Mussel festival at Portarlington was enormous. There will be more written about this great event later so stay tuned. Suffice to say that we had a really great time with our long time friends as well and you can probably guess what was on the menu. WOW..
It hasn't been a strenuous time since then. One night at that historic gold town come book fest town of Clunes and now at Maryborough, another historic gold town. Is there a link somewhere? Yes there is and it is the allure of that rarest of valuable commodities and we are gonna have another go at it. already spoken to a guy in the park who prospects professionally Anyway, a bit too hot these days to venture too far into the bush. The beasties are out at this time of year as well and I'm not getting involved with them. we may stay a week, we may only stay another couple of days before moving on to another historic gold town, there I go again...........