The lush green countryside is a fair indication to us of what its been like here over the last few months. From the photos I have put up on this and other sites, you would get a fair idea on how the drought is effecting 60% of Queensland. As we sit in our van with the heater on, rugged up with rain on the roof, we ask ourselves "why are we here?"
Been back in Victoria for just over a week and caught up with our kids and grandchildren. Wow. Is it time to stop yet? No, not yet. Friday was a big day at the RV Leisurefest at Sandown Park. Our first time there and we were really impressed. Great to catch up with the crew from WUDU, Vista RV's and Elite caravans. We had a look at the Jurgens range on display and liked the Tooradin, 23'6" and quite luxurious. We met Ivan and Sally for lunch, Brian and Willy from the Rec club at the Willows and Rob Lucas from CIA. All great to see and chat with. A tired two headed home by train and got back at about 6.00pm.
Yesterday the Woodend farmers market was on and not having found any markets for a while, managed to head that way as Marg was having a girls day with dau and gr dau.I was pleasantly surprised by the range and quality of the foods there. I bought, beetroot, pumpkin, parsley, grain sourdough, home made crumpets and two different cheeses. I also bought mussels from a guy there and cooked up some magnificent chili mussels for lunch. Today we have been looking after two of our grandys while parents had a day out. Is it time to stop yet? No, the Khumo tyres need rotating, yes we've done another 5000klms since Mount Isa. Meetings, appointments, here and there, life is like that.