What a great two weeks! What an exhausting two weeks! All of that and exciting at the same time. Having been put in charge of leading the convoy over the Bolte bridge and over the Westgate bridge and knowing that some of the people following would not yet understand the critical issues of this first day, we set off from CIA (caravan Industry Association) headquarters in West Melbourne, bound for Warrnambool. Helicopters are very expensive to hire for aereal shots and this is one of the reasons that it is important to keep the convoy continuous and without anyone else butting in to spoil the flow/look of the team in line. Apparently it worked well and so we pushed on, headlights blaring(low beam) and a stop at Avalon BP for lunch. Lunch and the start of the catering by the "Sweet Seduction" ladies that had served us well last year, were back on board and was something else to look forward to. The next thirteen days would prove to be uneventful as far as my job of caravan liaison officer was concerned. It did mean though, that I had to attend the production meetings each morning and then pass on the relevant information to convoy drivers including weather, final destination and follow up on any of there questions or problems. The latter being very few.
The convoy went from Warrnambool, splitting after more chopper shots out around the twelve apostles with some going to Hamilton and the balance to Port Campbell and then Timboon. Lake Fyans in the grampians for the next two nights.
We finished the duties of the convoy by the time we had reached Wodonga on the following Wednesday week. Mini concerts every second night and drive back to Melbourne with a day off on Saturday then early start to get into the city by public transport Sunday morning for final concert in Fed Square.
Raising funds for the McGrath foundation to fund breast care nurses is a great charity and the people of Victoria have once again shown their generosity by digging deep whenever and wherever we asked. Final results not to hand as yet.