Tuesday 4 September 2012

So to Mount Isa

Cloncurry was an interesting place but we have klms to get over. The road was again different. probably better than we have had so far in that it was at least smoothe, not the culverts we had before Richmond and now we have hills. Yes, hills , big red ones and plenty of them. Nice trip. If you haven't been to Mount Isa before, those memorable images of the red and white stack in the background of photos of this town, seems to dominate the area and definitely does that. Although a second stack is now in the scenery, the red and white one is still dominant. Multi-cultural? yes, the cultures here seem to be across the spectrum and learning a little of the history with Afghans and camel trains, the local Kalkadoon people, the first inhabitants of this area, the Scots, the Irish and the finns and Hungarian miners that came to find their fortunes from the spinifex covered hills. the Americans who built the roads through the years of WW2 all have a part in the history of the area. We now have a well established commercial centre of town. an introduction of the place may be found at the local Tourist Information centre or Outback at Isa. Local tours can be all booked from here. The centre is close to the Hard Times Mine where tours are conducted on a regular basis. We stayed at the Sunset Top Tourist park which is a couple of klms from the town centre and seems to be quite busy. We last saw Park Full signs out at parks at Yeppoon and haven't seen them til now, a fair indication of the travelling public at the moment.

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