Sunday 30 September 2012

Uluru to Coober Pedy

Ayres Rock, Uluru or whatever you want to call it, is IMPRESSIVE. I don't think it matters what time of day you see the ROCK, it's always going to impress. we went to the Olgas first, kata tjuta is the traditional name and now I'm torn between the three. Mt. Connor,a sandstone mesa, Uluru, a monolith and Kata Tjuta, a conglomerate. They each are beautiful individually and I would prefer not to choose a favourite. suffice to say that the whole area is fascinating and, for the first time visitor, awesome.We had planned ahead and took a salad tea to make sure we were in the right spot for sunset on the rock. We drove around the rock after visiting the interpretive centre that was extremely good. Then we took up , what we had picked earlier, as the best site to view the sunset. it wasn't long before the whole car park was full and we were glad of our earlier planning. Spoke to Graham, who asked us to take his photo in front of the rock. Graham is a kiwi and riding a POSTIE BIKE around Oz..Unreal..Anyway, sunset incredible. Some cloud on the horizon changed the colour early but it came back again. After sunset we made our way with the throng, to Yalara and bought some diesel that would assist tomorrow. $2.10/ltr but we have seen it more expensive. 90klms back to Curtin Springs and a speed limit of 110. I choose to drive at 90-100 and I'm glad I did. A big red kangaroo came out of nowhere and hit the front of our vehicle and fortunately didn't do a lot of damage although paid the eternal price for this venture. Another 30klms to go before we got back to the van, not easy, but we were ok.
Next day, Andrew, a father of 3 who we had met at Macdonnel ranges caravan park had arrived with his family into Curtin Springs. Marg recognised daughter Abbie from pancake Sunday at the park in Alice. Andrew   helped me get the parking light back into a secure holding place and we lit a fire and happy hour with Charlie and Monique. Marg cooked cheese scones in our new bodurie and we learnt a lot from these French/swiss people.
Away and heading East again. At Erldunda we fuel up at .40c less than at Yulara and meet Graham (postie bike) again.
As we turn South, the tail wind is obvious and we cruise at 100klm'h and sit on about 13.5ltrs/100klms a great run. Into Marla bore tourist resort for the night after a couple of stops and once again passing GRAHAM. The night at Marla was incredible. Started with a dust storm and then the loudest electrical display we have heard/seen for a long time. The rain was only nuisance value but the lightning incredible.
Mount Conno


Sunset at the Rock
Kata Tjuta

We had learnt from Simone at Macdonnel Ranges that the drive South to Port Augusta was boring. We can now confirm that although, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" applies as well. There is a LONG way between these points and done on a regular basis it could become mundane, however as first time visitors, we find the changes subtle but there just the same. the ghan train line comes back and is gone again, the undulating road gives views of hidden valleys and salt pans and rolling bare hills and then white mini-peaks that is the lunar type landscape around Coober Pedy.

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